
Posts Tagged ‘tentara’

Bengkulu, Kompas – Penyelesaian kasus pelanggaran hak asasi manusia yang terjadi sebelum lahirnya Undang-Undang Nomor 26 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengadilan Hak Asasi Manusia melalui rekonsiliasi dinilai sebagai jalan keluar masuk akal.

Hal tersebut disampaikan Ketua Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) Ifdhal Kasim seusai menjadi pembicara pada seminar tentang HAM yang digelar Kepolisian Daerah Bengkulu, Selasa (22/3). Ifdhal mengatakan, ketika membatalkan UU No 27/2004 tentang Komite Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi (KKR), MK memberikan opsi rekonsiliasi bagi penyelesaian kasus pelanggaran HAM. ”Ini (rekonsiliasi) jalan keluar yang masuk akal,” ujarnya. (lebih…)

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Gelombang kekerasan berbasis agama terus terjadi. Aksi itu dipicu bukan saja oleh ikatan primordial, tetapi juga dipertajam pertarungan politik kelompok kepentingan.

Bagaimana menjelaskan berbagai kepentingan beroperasi di balik konflik berdimensi suku, agama, ras, dan antargolongan itu? Setidaknya, ada empat penjelasan yang bisa dipakai (Amirrudin, dalam Dignitas, 2008). (lebih…)

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By Saeed A. Daof

MANILA, Philippines—For almost two decades now, I have been devoting a part of my time to helping win the peace in Mindanao by publicly sharing my views and undertaking activities that may help advance the peace process.

A recent proposal by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) for the establishment of a Bangsa Moro substate is a departure from its previous secessionist stance and an apparent shift in policy. It is an honorable adherence to the principle of pragmatism and flexibility on the part of MILF chair Ibrahim Murad.

Looking deeper into the timing and essence of the announcement of the MILF initiative against the backdrop of a conflict going on for almost 40 years, this development could change the complexion, character and speed of the peace talks. (lebih…)

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Banner calls for the relocation of ETA prisoners to prisons in the Basque country during the official opening of the 2010 San Fermin fiestas last July.

Banner calls for the relocation of ETA prisoners to prisons in the Basque country during the official opening of the 2010 San Fermin fiestas last July.

MADRID – The Basque separatist group ETA declared a permanent and internationally verifiable cease-fire Monday, calling it a step toward ending its decades-old fight for an independent state straddling northern Spain and southwest France.

ETA’s statement in the pro-independence newspaper Gara, which often serves as an ETA mouthpiece, made no mention of ETA dissolving or giving up its weapons as demanded by the Spanish government.

There was no immediate comment from the Spanish government. (lebih…)

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The southern Philippines has a long history of conflict, with armed groups including Muslim separatists, communists, clan militias and criminal groups all active in the area. This is the main groups in southern Philippines :

Moro National Liberation Front

Followers of Islam – called Moros or Moors by the Spanish – make up a sizeable population of the region.

The Moro National Liberation Front first appeared in the early 1970s, fighting for an independent Moro nation.

The group signed a peace agreement with the Manila government in 1976, but this failed to stick.

Phlippines map

Another agreement, signed in 1996, gave predominantly Muslim areas a degree of self-rule, setting up the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM).

The ARMM is composed of the mainland provinces of Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur, and the island provinces of Sulu, Tawi-Tawi and Basilan.

As part of the deal, the MNLF chairman and founder of the group, Nur Misuari, was installed as the new regional governor.

But his rule ended in violence in November 2001, when he led a failed uprising and was jailed. Another MNLF leader, Parouk Hussin, took over as ARMM governor in 2002. (lebih…)

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MANILA, Philippines — Shocked by the string of deadly rampages by its militiamen, military officials are contemplating placing all 50,000 Cafgu (Citizen Armed Forces Geographical Unit) members under the Army’s Special Forces Regiment to improve training and discipline.

At present, most Cafgu militiamen are supervised separately by the Army’s 10 infantry divisions.

A Cafgu detachment is headed by a senior enlisted personnel.

But in separate incidents in the last two weeks, three Cafgu members went amok and killed nine fellow militiamen and civilians and seriously injured five others, including four children.

One suspect was killed while another is under police custody. The third suspect remains at large.

Lieutenant General Arturo Ortiz, the Army chief, has ordered an investigation into the cause of the shooting rampages to prevent a repeat of “those rare and unfortunate incidents.”

A military spokesman said Ortiz has also been looking at overhauling the Cafgu personnel management system from recruitment and training to deployment and supervision.

“The plan is that the Special Forces will administer, supervise and deploy the Cafgu. The totality of handling the Cafgu will be under the Special Forces. That’s one of their tasks, to train and handle the militia,” Brigadier General Jose Mabanta Jr. said.

He said some Cafgu detachments in areas with active insurgent groups like the Davao and Bohol provinces have been placed under the control of the Special Forces Regiment, which has been under the Special Operations Command.

The military recruits militiamen to prevent New People’s Army rebels from reorganizing in an area after the bulk of government forces have moved on to other “critical areas.”

Mabanta said the plan would involve a gradual absorption of Cafgu members “eventually leading to all Cafgu being handled by the Special Forces.”

Officials hope that by placing them under Socom, militiamen will improve on their training and discipline.

But a lot still depends on the quality of leadership of detachment commanders.

“I think the training will be several notches higher. It really depends on the cadres on the ground,” Mabanta said.

Cafgu members do not get a regular salary but only receive a daily P90 subsistence pay.

Colonel Antonio Parlade Jr., the Army spokesman, early theorized that the militiamen who opened fire on their colleagues and civilians were suffering from “combat fatigue.”

He said the Army’s stress management program to counter the effects of long exposure to combat operations has not been applied to Cafgu members.

On October 24, Oligario Bucal Jr., 35, opened fire inside their detachment in Barangay Palid in Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay, and killed six of his comrades before he was killed by soldiers.

On October 21, Jonard Aredidon went amok in Davao City and killed his 18-year old girlfriend and his assistant detachment commander. He remains at large.

On October 14, Teodollo Rizare went amok during a wake in Barangay Layugan in Pagsanjan, Laguna,and killed a married couple and seriously injured four children, including the couple’s daughter, and an adult.

Rizare, a former rebel turned militiaman, has been arrested.

source : http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/nation/view/20101028-300170/Army-takes-steps-to-address-amok-attacks-by-stressed-out-militiamen


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Sebagai daerah konflik sekitar 30 tahun, akhirnya ada kedamaian di Aceh melalui Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Helsinki yang ditandatangani antara Pemerintah RI dengan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) pada 15 Agusutus 2005. Implementasi dari MoU Helsinki salah satunya dengan adanya UU Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh (UU PA), di dalamnya diatur tentang pembentukan Pengadilan HAM dan Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi (KKR) di Aceh. Dalam aturan peralihan UU tersebut disebutkan bahwa pembentukan KKR Aceh selambat-lambatnya adalah setahun setelah ditetapkannya UU PA yaitu pada Agustus 2007. (lebih…)

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Lembaran sejarah baru bangsa berdasar Laporan Akhir Komisi Kebenaran dan Persahabatan (KKP) Indonesia dan Timor Leste.

Setelah bekerja selama 2 setengah tahun sejak Agustus 2005 akhirnya Komisi Kebenaran dan Persahabatan (KKP) menyerahkan laporan akhir yang berjudul Per Memoriam ad Spem (Melalui Kenangan menuju Harapan) kepada Presiden Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Presiden Timor Leste Jose Ramos Horta beserta Perdana Menteri Timor Leste Xanana Gusmao di Denpasar pada 15 Juli 2008. Dalam versi bahasa Indonesianya laporan ini setebal 406 halaman, diterbitkan juga dalam bahasa Tetun dan Inggris. (lebih…)

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Pengadilan HAM vs KKR

Saya tidak banyak mengetahui dua hal tersebut. Ketika saya pergi ke Aceh beberapa waktu yang lalu, sayup dua hal tersebut dibicarakan oleh orang-orang di warung kopi. Perbincangan itu membuat saya teringat pada akhir tahun 2006, ketika di koran-koran ditulis bahwa Undang-Undang tentang Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi, yang baru disahkan pada tahun 2004, dibatalkan. Tersebut dalam koran-koran itu bahwa Mahkamah Konstitusi menganggap bahwa pasal-pasal yang diajukan diajukan dalam judicial review merupakan pasal jantung, sehingga ketika tuntutan penghapusan atas pasal2 yang bermasalah karena bertentangan dengan UUD 1945 diterima oleh MK, maka UU KKR tersebut tidak bisa dioperasionalkan.  Sehingga  ketika putusan diterimanya  atas peninjauan kembali untuk mencabut pasal-pasal yang bermasalah adalah, pembatalan UU No. 27 Tahun 2004 tentang KKR. (lebih…)

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1 Desember 2007

Saya membayangkan hari ini di Papua adalah hari yang menyibukan bagi polisi, tentara, PSK, wartawan dan tentu saja mereka yang dianggap ingin merdeka dari Indonesia. Lho kenapa? Karena hari ini adalah peringatan hari Aids sedunia, yang biasanya ada seremoni aksi kampanye untuk tidak menjauhi orang yang positif HIV ataupun yang sudah terjangkit AIDS. Selain kampanye itu, ada juga yang masih menjadi salah satu rangkaian dalam aksi tersebut yaitu pembagian kondom.

Terus kenapa yang lainnya menjadi pada sibuk hari ini? (lebih…)

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